these links to listen to live amateur (ham) radio operations
relating to:
click below SKYWARN logo.
on below ON Air banner to go to 14300 Net
streaming audio links. Scroll down at the 14.300 Nets header to
see a description and to learn more about each net.
net header is a link to their homepage so you can check
activity and activation status.
links will only be activated upon actual emergencies.
to Listeners.
If activity
is occurring in your area on 14300 net, you may not be able to
hear area HF operators due to propagation.
You can select the audio links away from your location and
should be able to hear local HF operators. All 14300
net feeds are 20 meter band radio signals received then relayed
via internet. The quality of feed is based on environmental
conditions or, propagation. Check different feeds for best
results or check back during the day as propagation will change
during the day.The Skywarn VoIP and IRLP feeds should have good
signal quality as most operators will be peer to peer (computer
to computer) Most times will be given in UTC
time .
click here
is proagation ?
is UTC ?

VoIP Conference Net
on SKYWARN Logo to go to site. Use navagation links to select
live audio
SKYWARN and Hurricane
Nets which we operate by combining both the Echolink
and IRLP
linked repeater networks, thus providing for more efficient and
effective utilization of our available resources while handling
critical wide area communications during major severe weather
events. The Weekly VoIP SKYWARN/Hurricane Preparation Net meets
every Saturday Evening Eastern Daylight Time which is 0000 UTC
Sunday. For the weekly net and net activations for
hurricanes, we use the EchoLink *WX-TALK* Conference server Node
#:7203 which is integrated with IRLP Reflector 9219. There are
several backup VoIP integrated conference systems available if
our primary system fails. Please see the Our WX Net link in the
main menu for details on those backup conference systems.
live weather reports from amateur radio operators in affected
area here Click
on the Edit Link Number for report.
Net HF Freq 14.325
Active Hurricane Only
Hurricane Watch Net consists of a group of licensed Amateur
Radio Operators trained and organized to provide essential
communications support to the National Hurricane Center during
times of Hurricane emergencies. Our primary mission is to
disseminate tropical cyclone advisory information to island
communities in the Caribbean, Central America, along the
Atlantic seaboard of the U.S., and throughout the Gulf of
Mexico coastal areas. We also collect observed or
measured weather data from amateur radio operators in the
storm affected area as well as any post storm damage, and
convey that information to the Hurricane Forecasters in the
National Hurricane Center via the amateur radio station in the
center (WX4NHC).WX4NHC is located at the National Weather
MHz has become a very well known frequency in the Amateur Radio
world. There are three major nets in the Western Hemisphere that
operate on 14.300 MHz. From early morning until late evening the
frequency is busy with traffiic of one form or another.
Beginning at 0700 ET daily, The Intercon Net, formally know as
The Intercontinental Amateur Traffic Net, starts out the day.
Intercon runs until 1200 ET before handing the frequency over to
The Maritime Mobile Service Network. The MMSN, which also runs
daily, operates from 1200 ET until 9 PM EST / 10 PM EDT or 0200
UTC. After The MMSN raps up. The Pacific Seafarers Net begins
operation at 10 PM EST / 11PM EDT or 0300 UTC and runs various
lengths of time, depending on traffic load, but usually about 2
hours or less
a brief look at each net.
Intercon Net HF Freq
promote goodwill and friendly relations among radio operators
everywhere.To handle third party traffic and information between
individuals in any country where such traffic handling is
permitted by treaty or mutual agreement. To provide a means of
emergency communications to any location where the normal means
are disrupted by local disaster such as fire, earthquake,
storms, floods and terrorist activity.
is probably the least structured, or formal net of the three.
Make no mistake about it, some very important and critical
traffic has been handled on Intercon over the years, but a
little more "ragchewing" is acceptable.
Maritime Mobile Service Network
Freq. 14.300
primary purpose of the net is for handling traffic from maritime
mobiles and overseas deployed service personnel. MMSN also
assists missionaries and persons working abroad. The MMSN has a
more formal or structured format than Intercon. Since vessels at
sea generally have barefoot or less rigs, running on battery
power with wire or vertical antennas, their signals may be hard
to copy at times. The Net Control Stations frequently ask all
stations to standby while calling for maritime only that may
wish to check in. Also, offshore weather information is usually
read at about 30 minutes past the hour. Ragchewing is considered
a no-no during MMSN. Any station can check into the MMSN when
the NCS is asking for general check-in's. If you would like a
signal report, audio report or just to say you are "riding
along", this is the time to check-in.
Pacific Seafarer's Net HF
Freq: 14.300
Net handles
traffic with vessels mainly in the Pacific Ocean. Utilizing
stations from North America to New Zealand / Australia and
across the Pacific, Pacsea takes position reports and weather
observations from vessels. Pacsea NCS's use special software to
post positions on the internet and send observed weather
conditions to the weather forecasters for the Pacific. Friends
and family may then track their vessel of interest online. The
first 25 minutes of the net is open to general check-in's. After
that, the roll call portion of the net begins and it is very
structured from that point. Any station is welcome to assist as
a relay for Pacsea. If your area of interest is The Pacific,
check out The Pacific Seafarer's Net.