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PBC SKYWARN / AMARA Shriners Children's Santa Claus QSO Party

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  Thanks to all those that help make this a very special event each year for the children


AMARA Shrine: Potentate Dan Dyle
                            Chief Rabban Brian Price  
                            Ladies of the Shrine
                            Santa Coordinator  Mickey Frankle

PBC Skywarn   Coordinator Maurice Dake K9EE

Radio Operators
                              Steve KE4JAR 
                              Jeff KI4BQB
                              Sandy KJ4YZE
                              Ray WX4PBC (QSO Party Coordinator)

Photography:       Shirley Simmons  

Slideshow Music: "Canon" preformed by the Transiberian Orchestra   


If you are a Skywarn Amateur Radio operator and are interested in assisting, send 
Ray e-mail around Thanksgiving 2014 


To learn more about the Santa QSO Party, click here

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